When the Only Real Choice Is Private: My Unlikely Attraction to School Vouchers | by Marilyn Rhames

I had the pleasure of meeting Mrs. Marilyn Rhames at an educational event in DC this past week. Marilyn has taught in district and charter schools in Chicago since 2004 & now serves as an alumni support manager at a K-8 charter school, helping graduates persist through high school and on to college and careers. Rhames authors a popular self-titled blog for Education Post. A 2016 Surge Institute fellow, Rhames is dedicated to promoting more diverse education leadership to improve the education of students of color. She was also a Teach Plus teaching policy fellow in Chicago from 2010 to 2012.  In 2011, Rhames founded the Christian nonprofit Teachers Who Pray, which to date has more than 70 school chapters nationwide.




This particular blog is a dynamic piece that speaks to the realities of parent choice & public education as it relates to school vouchers! I appreciate Marilyn sharing her experience as it sheds light on the realities that parents are facing in the cornucopia of issues surrounding public education. Check out her blog here & leave a comment on this unique perspective: http://educationpost.org/when-the-only-real-choice-is-private-my-unlikely-attraction-to-school-vouchers/.



Spice up your students’ vocabulary by adding the word of the day to your morning announcements! Language is a powerful tool that can transform communication. Expand & extend opportunities to introduce your students to new vocabulary each day & add a tool to their literacy toolboxes!

The One-Minute Meeting Part Two | School Leadership Series

“I am going to take miniature steps to achieve my benchmark goals, Dr. Hemphill.” – an amazing 3rd grader during her One-Minute Meeting

Welcome to Part Two of the One-Minute Meeting! The One-Minute Meeting is an instructional practice that truly involves students as stakeholders in their learning. In Part II, we will discuss specifics on how to set up your mobile office, preparing your instructional team, discuss methods for disaggregating & disseminating data, & finally I will share my tips & takeaways. In 60 seconds, glean important information from students that can help to inform instructional practice, learning environment, & student achievement in your school. Happy leading school leaders! #K12#publiceducation #oneminutemeeting #inspiration #schoolleadership#motivation #moldmaker #scholarvlogger

The One-Minute Meeting Part One | School Leadership Series

“It’s time to start listening to our students as stakeholders in their education.” – Dr. Mary Hemphill

The One-Minute Meeting is an instructional practice that truly involves students as stakeholders in their learning. In 60 seconds, school leaders & instructional teams can glean important information from students that can help to inform instructional practice, learning environment, & student achievement in your school! Check out the first video in my School Leadership Series, and share with other educational moldmakers! #studentsfirst #oneminutemeeting #schoolleadership #teamwork#stakeholders #education #inspiration #motivation


“Leadership in Education Influencing Every Generation” featuring Dr. Mary Hemphill

“Education is about not forgetting that you are seriously affecting the trajectory of a child’s life.” – Dr. Mary Hemphill


It is with great pleasure that I share my newly released podcast “Leadership in Education Influencing Every Generation” with Motivational Millennials, Ivy LaClair & Blake Brandes! This was such a powerful project, & it was amazing to connect & share on such a positive platform. I hope you enjoy, moldmakers!

Click here to listen to the podcast – (Ep. 5) Leadership in Education Influencing Every Generation with Dr. Mary Hemphill

The Journey Continues Scholar Vlog – March/April/May 2016

The past three months have been hectic, amazing, & challenging. I have had the opportunity to spend time with family & friends,  celebrate special moments with loved ones, & embrace new opportunities that challenge me personally & professionally. Thank you for joining me on this scholarly journey!

Motivational Millennials Podcast Coming Soon!

Moldmakers, we could not be more excited about the upcoming Motivational Millennial podcasts featuring some amazing millennials doing amazing things in their fields. The Scholar Vlogger is blessed & honored to be featured as well, so stay tuned! Check out Motivational Millennials founded by Ivy LaClair & Blake Brandes here: https://www.facebook.com/MotivationalMillennial/?fref=ts‪#‎millennails‬ ‪#‎inspiration‬ ‪#‎education‬‪#‎motivation‬ ‪#‎focus‬ ‪#‎purpose‬ ‪#‎passion‬ ‪#‎vision‬ ‪#‎moldmakers‬‪#‎scholarvlogger‬13241336_504621346387979_2215589964766017114_n.jpg

New Leaders on the Block: Why Teacher Leadership and Shared Vision are Vital to North Carolina Schools

This week is off to an AMAZING start with the publication of my white paper entitled “The New Leaders on the Block: Why Teacher Leadership & Shared Vision are Vital to NC Schools” by Education NC! Teacher leadership is the key to transformation in our schools, & I am proud to share a few ways to help school & district leaders cultivate teacher leadership & shared vision in NC Schools! ‪#‎proudprincipal‬ ‪#‎publicedu‬ ‪#‎EDNC‬ ‪#‎education‬ ‪#‎motivation‬‪#‎moldmaker‬ ‪#‎scholarvlogger‬

New Leaders on the Block: Why Teacher Leadership & Shared Vision are Vital to NC Schools

One Year of Moldmaking

Be inspired. Educate yourself. Motivate others. – The Scholar Vlogger

e529017a442705313c2df659fc2bcb49One year ago, I posted my first video on YouTube & thus began my journey as the Scholar Vlogger. I purposed myself to lead a social media project that cultivated moldmakers through inspiration, education, & motivation. I called out to individuals from all walks of life in healthcare, public education, non-profit, & the private sector to fervently seek their passions & fulfill their purpose. Throughout this endeavor, I have learned a lot about myself, people, & the overall human condition. People are in desperate need of belonging to something greater than themselves. No matter the impact of the cause, people want to belong – to a group of friends, loved ones, online communities, their colleagues, & the list goes on & on. I have found, however, that defining oneself as a “moldmaker” oftentimes can you leave you outside of this belonging. Being a moldmaker, forces you to shatter society’s definition of “normal” & step into undefined, undiscovered, & uneven territory – alone.


“It’s easy to stand with the crowd. It takes courage to stand alone.” The beauty of moldmaking is that while you may start out alone, but you end up with a community of like-minded, grateful individuals who are willing to stand beside you for a greater cause. When I started my YouTube channel, I spent hours watching famous YouTubers with ten thousand, one hundred thousand & even a million subscribers! I observed their intros, their lighting, the way they edited their videos, & even took time to read the comments from their faithful fans. From natural hair gurus to makeup artists & DIYers to yoga enthusiasts, all of these individuals had one thing in common – they were making videos about the thing they were most passionate & knowledgeable about. That is when it hit me. Although my videos about inspiration, education, & motivation were all things that I was deeply passionate about, I was not making videos about the one thing I am the most knowledgeable about – being a school leader!

It does take courage to stand alone, but public education needs a revolution, a makeover, a rebranding of sorts. I am a moldmaker in the field of education, & this year I am rededicating myself to be a champion for public education. Society’s perception of the current education system is skewed & unrealistic. If more people were knowledgeable about the needs of our students, our teachers, & our school leaders then authentic change could begin. Also the perception of public educators needs a major facelift. We are not all jean-jumper-wearing, white-Ked-rocking, apples-for-button-covers individuals with little to no personalities as the media would have most to believe. We are a cornucopia of talented, passionate, unique, stylish, & innovative people who pledge to educate our youth. It is time to begin a rebranding campaign for education & for moldmakers.

This year, I pledge to bring more moldmakers to the forefront; to connect more people with their passion & purpose; to fervently seek my own intellectual, spiritual, & emotional pursuits; & to not only start the revolution in public education, but be the revolution as well. Here’s to another year of shattering molds & making our own!

The Scholar Vlogger