The One-Minute Meeting Part One | School Leadership Series

“It’s time to start listening to our students as stakeholders in their education.” – Dr. Mary Hemphill

The One-Minute Meeting is an instructional practice that truly involves students as stakeholders in their learning. In 60 seconds, school leaders & instructional teams can glean important information from students that can help to inform instructional practice, learning environment, & student achievement in your school! Check out the first video in my School Leadership Series, and share with other educational moldmakers! #studentsfirst #oneminutemeeting #schoolleadership #teamwork#stakeholders #education #inspiration #motivation


4 thoughts on “The One-Minute Meeting Part One | School Leadership Series

  1. I really love this concept. I agree that there are so many dividends to be gained from this practice. I really like how this process can also affect the school culture and climate. When youth feel they have a voice and the people that are around them want to hear it, they are empowered to share more and bring up challenges more frequently and without always having a formalized process for that feedback. I am sending this video to friends that run after school programs as a great tool for gathering youth feedback on the activities and overall after school program.

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    1. Shawn, thank you so much for your feedback! The effects on school culture and climate are definitely far-reaching in any school through this process, & student voice is definitely a missing caveat in school improvement! Thank you so much for sharing this video as well. I sincerely hope that this process helps school and teacher leaders in multiple learning environments.


  2. I am in the process of getting ready to do this with all of my K-6 students. How many classes would you suggest doing each day? How did you record the student responses so you could work with the data after meeting with all students.

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    1. Kathy, first thank you for your interest in the one-minute meeting process. I just finished up our first quarter round at my school & I am in the process of digging into the data myself. If you are working alone, I would suggest no more than 4-6 classes a day. The pace is rigorous, & each minute counts (literally). I was able to tackle 4th & 5th (6 classes) on the first day, & then 2nd & 3rd, etc. For my students in grades 3-5, I had copies of their report cards and benchmark scores. I made all notes for these students on the report card itself, including comments from the student, goals for the second quarter, & any ancillary notes/information the student shared with me. Making notes on the report card is an easy way to go back and analyze the feedback later, and I can bring that same copy to our next one-minute meeting next quarter to show the student her or his progress. For my students in grades K-2, I utilized their mClass progress monitoring sheets for reading or a class roster sheet. In NC, all students in grades K-3 test in mClass for reading, but using the class roster helps me stay organized and on track later when I look at all the data. These are great questions, & stay tuned because I am going to film a One-Minute Meeting: Part II where I talk about what I do with the data once I’ve finished. Make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel & follow my blog for more updates. Also good luck as you start this process at your school. Keep me updated, & let me know if I can help in any way!


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